Saturday, July 11, 2009


I trained for a half-marathon around this time last year, and I have to admit that while running three and four miles is quite an accomplishment, I start getting real proud around 5 miles. And I mean real proud. As in mention-it-in-casual-conversation proud, or drop-“subtle”-hints-about- my-tight-hamstrings-as-I-am-bending-over-to-stretch-them-a-few-times proud, or shout-it-from-the-proverbial-internet-mountaintop, otherwise known as a blog, proud.

And so here is our post-5 mile pic from this morning.

We are both smiling extra wide because this morning's run was a special event with the Runner's World Tulsa group. It was a Poker Run, which meant that we paid a $5 entry fee to received a card at every mile or so. There were lots of prizes for individuals who receive a decent hand, and I just happened to get a full house. This lovely hand won me an opportunity to pick from some extremely nice prizes. I had my choice narrowed down to a one-hour massage or a really cool New Balance jacket; I chose the jacket because it will last me a lot longer and will be good for the winter runs that I plan to do. Plus, it looks really cool.

This is the closest picture that I could find, but the actual jacket is grey and has orange zippers. The best part is that it retails for $59.99!

Not too shabby for a $5 entry fee, eh?

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