Sunday, July 5, 2009


Sorry I've been slacking in the post department for the the past couple of days. I’ve started a blog that is a work-in-progress and really haven’t had anything interesting to say. (As if anything I say ever really is!)

I rotated my first full day on Thursday, if you count staying until 3pm a full day, and I am discovering that my main challenge is learning the brand names of drugs. I am enjoying the patient interaction and am already relearning things that I have previously memorized and forgotten.

Thursday evening, Jerm and I went running around our neighborhood and, upon my insisting, we took the dogs. Jerm is chronicling our training progress via a photo journal, and these are the several outtakes that we managed to shoot while trying to capture all four of us in the shot.

In our first attempt, Lucy decided she was more interested in Maisie. Maybe it was her cyborg eyes?

We also learned that evening that Maisie is terrified of fireworks. Our neighborhood is out in the country, per se, so they are not illegal. She was shaking and trying to wiggle her way out of our arms.

Third time's a charm? Don't think so. Lucy thought she would lick me in this picture, and Maisie is still trying to escape Jerm's death grip. This is my favorite picture from the night.

After several attempts -- and I'm talking about 15 takes or so -- this is the best picture we got of the four of us. Jerm has it captioned on Facebook as:
Crystalle - 4 miles
Jeremy - 3 miles
Maisie & Lucy -2 miles
They got tired and thirsty so we let them rest at home while we finished out the run.

We took this one after we realized that our pho"dog"raphy (cackle cackle snort knee slap cackle) wasn't going to work out.

Jerm and I both had Friday off. We had lunch with my mom and her family, spent most of the day shopping, and attended a Third of July family get-together on my father's side that evening. Shopping wasn't in the itinerary for the day, but I wanted to find a cute summer dress to wear to a family event on Saturday. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to find a dress that doesn't involve exposing boob crack, and I didn't really want to buy a coordinating tank top or undershirt so I stuck with a cute shirt that I found on sale at Old Navy for $4.99. My heart does a little dance when I find sweet deals like that!

Saturday morning Jerm and I woke up at 5:00, then 5:10, and yet again at 5:15, when we finally rolled out of bed in time to make it to our early morning four mile run at 5:45. This is the picture we took after the run, with a penguin friend in downtown.

After the run, I happened to be online that morning attempting to type a blog before heading out for the day's activities, and I got an itch to look to see if my board score had been posted online. I hadn't ever checked before -- and I am not sure what made me check -- but I just did. And what did I see when I got online? "All Level 1 COMLEX-USA examination scores taken on or before June 5th, 2009 have been mailed and are available in your online account under 'view scores'". My stomach did a little turn, I contempated hyperventilating, and then I just figured that, what the hell, I needed to know. So I composed myself and looked. And guess what? I PASSED BOARDS!!!!! I screamed for Jeremy to come into the office, shed a few tears, and let my family members know. Needless to say, the blog didn't get finished.

That afternoon, we packed up and headed out to Fort Gibson lake to visit some family members on Jerm's father's side, and we had a really good time. In fact, this was our first time to be around that side for an extended period of time, and we were basically meeting (or at least I was) some of his family members for the very first time. They are a very nice and warm bunch of people, and I hope that we can get to know them better in the future. I guess time will tell.

Today, Jerm and I headed over to his Grandma's house to celebrate his cousin's birthday so I guess that qualifies this past weekend as a very family-filled weekend.

And I can't complain one bit. : )

1 comment:

  1. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! That is very exciting!! I wish Ty would get his back soon.
    I'm so impressed with the running!
