Friday, June 5, 2009


Or over boards, rather.

I took the big kahuna yesterday, and I can’t say at this moment that I feel great about it by any means, but here is to hoping that there is some redemption from the countless hours of effort that I poured into preparation. I guess the moment of truth will arrive in 3-4 weeks and, until then, I am going to try to have some fun and do normal people activities. You know, like sleep in and pluck the unibrow and clean house.

Oh, and my favorite part: spend time with family!

Jerm and I have plans to do some yard work and painting this weekend, and we are also going to attend our first running meeting tomorrow morning. I am excited! He decided not to sign up for that basketball league on Mondays that I mentioned in a previous post, so I guess I will just have to take the fog horn to another game of his during the week.

I’ll take some pics of our painting progress this weekend. Until then, I am going to NOT STUDY!

Have a great day!

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