Wednesday, May 27, 2009


In one week from today, I will be taking the first of a three series licensing exam for medical school. Now, while I would love to complain to everyone about how much this studying thing stinks (and this word is quite a bloody understatement), I do realize that it is truly an honor to be studying for this examination. I never in my wildest dreams imagined that I would ever attend medical school. I was really disinterested in math and science growing up. Math was especially difficult because I always wanted to know the ‘whys’ behind everything, which became quite an obstacle to my understanding of the material for a very long time. I realized way too late that part of math is rote memorization without questioning the ‘whys’, followed by the acquiring of problem-solving skills thereafter. If you don’t get the first part down, the latter will surely suffer.

Reading back over this, I realize that it is incredibly boring. However, if I erase it now I will have to start all over again, and who knows where my stream of conscious will take me then? Nonetheless, what I am trying to say is this: I am truly fortunate to be where I am today despite the fact that my office chair has developed “butt memory” from how often I sit in it.

Life is good!

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