Monday, October 19, 2009


Sometimes there are things in life that are beyond your control. (Duh.) And when these things occur, you should know your options.

Option #1: Unleash a big storm of attitudinal fury on everything and everyone around you. After all, your problem should be the problem of your spouse, pets, and any inanimate object around you.

Option #2: Deal with it.

This past Sunday, as I was finishing up my laundry to prepare for the week, the dryer flippin' ate one of the only four black dress socks that I own. After searching for a considerable amount of time, I was examining my options.

Option #1:
Dryer before.

Dryer after.

Option #2: Look further, and prepare to deal with it if I couldn't find the bloody sock.

I chose Option #2, and eventually discovered this.

My sock had decided to hook up with one of my dress shirts. (I guess the attraction was electric.)

It's a good thing I don't own a machine gun.

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