Friday, October 2, 2009


My pediatrics rotation has come to an end, and I have to say that I am quite relieved. These last few days seemed to have more screaming toddlers than the preceding month combined, and it was wearing me out. I definitely think the screaming patient-to-physician ratio just might play a role in my considering a specialty.

Jerm and I decided to take advantage of one-dollar admission to the fair last night. (Notice the title of the blog from the annoying jingle on the radio?) I took my camera but remembered half-way through our experience to take pictures. By the time these were taken, Jerm had already consumed an extra long corn dog and a turkey leg, and I was in the process of enjoying a delicious margarita.

Blooming onion with jalapeno-ranch dip. That dip was awesome, and I wished afterwards that we had ordered the jalapeno blooming onion instead.

This man here is my hunka-hunka burnin' love. I can only hope that our children inherit his blue eyes.

This ice cream is made from a process that uses liquid nitrogen, but all I really cared about was the thick and smooth consistency. So yummy!

This is Jerm's Rodney Dangerfield promotion of the funnel cake. "Hey, Moitha!(That's Martha in Dangerfield speak) Can I get a drink or what?"

I am leaving for Elk City on Sunday for a family practice /OBGYN rotation. Why the heck did I schedule an elective rotation three hours away from my husband, doggies, warm bed, and ever-present comfort zone? Ah, yes …because I felt that a rural elective would offer more opportunities for me to immerse myself in the practice of medicine and gain some hands-on experience. And also because I’ve heard great things about the physician with whom I am rotating.

I am sure the southwest quadrant of Oklahoma is going to be very interesting, to say the least. I will take plenty of pictures and keep you posted.


  1. Hopefully they don't inherit my nose. Cover that thing in nitrogen ice cream, and you could ski down it for days!

  2. I have been singing that song non-stop! I love it. Ty hates it.

    Good luck in Elk City!
